Monday, March 05, 2007

The 50 Most Important People on the Web by Yahoo

A list of gurus & elite people of the online media and web 2.0 entrepreneurs.

See who's who on this important and interesting list.

via Yahoo

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Power searching in Gmail

If you love Gmail & GreaseMonkey scripts like I do, you may want to read Matt Cutts "Three solid Gmail productivity tips" on how you can be a productive Gmail "Power User" by saving time and effort with "Saved Searches" script.

Matt explains:
If you’re a techie person, email is essential but it’s hard to stay on top of all of it. If you use Gmail and Firefox, here’s a few tips to get email under control.

The first tip is remedial: keep most mailing list emails out of your inbox. I already prune as much of my Gmail inbox email as I can. I subscribe to a bunch of mailing lists, but add filters like “If the email is to some-mailinglist, skip the inbox.” That way it doesn’t clutter my inbox (which is my to-do list), but it still gets indexed so that I can search for it later.
On a side not:

While playing with "Saved Searches" you will also want to keep this in mind:

Instead of searching items sent to you with the query “”, you can also use “to:me”.

This also works for mail you sent out with the query “from:me”.

Garet Rogers offers a nice summary of Matt's tips.

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